Wednesday, December 18, 2013

ReinventED 4 Success Tutorials!

Welcome to my blog to help teachers and students help themselves to tutorials and resources designed to practice skills for 21st century education!

Why this blog is different? 

It provides guides for 21st century skills.

Collaboration, Empathy, BRAINSTREAMING, Problem-SOLVING, Critical thinking, Critiquing, Analyzing, Multi-Media Communication, Designing, Researching, Presenting, Assessing, Self-regulating!

It honors a universal education equation. 


It is focused on process...the products will come!

Students will work within teams that represent diverse strengths. They will identify their roles for the following types of work. (It is advisable to switch roles and interchange team members.)Meetings: facilitator, recorder, time keeper, reporterProcess: research, reporter, view-finder, technician,Production: designer, technician, business manager, director

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